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Love at work ... and why not?

Love at work ... and why not?

We spend most of our days at work. It's no surprise, then, that the professional relationships we have there occasionally lead to friendship, flirtation, and sometimes even love. According to a recent study carried out in Europe by the site Monster, the spouses of nearly 30% of couples would have met at work.

Should we take them as an example and go for it with our head down or should we rather be cautious? To answer this thorny question, Technogénie is offering you the very first in a series of several articles devoted to love at work.

The office: an ideal meeting place

While six in ten people around the world welcome office adventures, Canadians remain divided on the issue. Indeed, 54% of them consider that an affair with a colleague in their office could be bad for their career while 46% would not say no if the opportunity presented itself.

We must admit that the place is conducive to meetings. Not only is the office full of people with whom we have similarities - same degrees, same fields of interest, same professional goals - but each one strives to appear to their advantage, taking care of their appearance, leaving problems at home. and showing his best smile.

In addition, we are more fit during the day than in the evening and, therefore, more efficient. "The workplace is quite simply aphrodisiac", summarizes Alain Samson, author of the book Sex and flirtation in the office.

What's more, since people already know each other, the ice is broken… plus we have all the time we need; a flirtation that can stretch for weeks or even months.

It is therefore not surprising that 61% of women and 57% of men admit to having a crush on a work colleague, as revealed in a survey carried out by Harlequin Publishing among 3,000 Internet users.

Still, love at work has its pros and cons, which will be the subject of our next articles.

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